Our Charity

First Steps and Talk-ED have combined forces, becoming First Steps ED, to help an increasing number of people deal with and overcome eating disorders. To some eating is straightforwards and maybe pleasurable, to others it's traumatic.

Who knew?

Eating disorders are not only the subject of people who struggle to receive a balanced diet; we have heard Ed Sheehan, Kate Winslet, Elton John and Taylor Swift all say "They have suffered with an eating disorder in their younger years".

So What?

Where's the parallel between rowing an ocean and helping people break away from an ED?  Well, the great people at First Steps ED use a humanistic therapy amongst many forms of counselling .... and?

This therapy asks the individual to think about their selves and recognise strengths to ultimately make the individual think more positively ..... These are all traits that mid-Pacific Ocean, mid storm, enduring 30 foot waves, we shall need.

Each team member shall have to find an inner strength, a huge positive outlook and a BIG smile to help us overcome and reach our goal... the finish line. That's why supporting this charity is so special to us.

We have chosen to support First Steps ED as our National Charity, who will help create a strong foundation to assist those with disorders like, but not limited to, Bulimia and Anorexia.

They give a clear statement - to end the pain and suffering caused by eating disorders, as it is recognised that these are an early signal to the commencement of mental health illness.


Our pain and suffering as we cross the Pacific from Monterey to Hawaii will send out a message -

we are in this boat for and with you!

1.25 million people in the UK suffer from an Eating Disorder illness, help us to help them!

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